Friday, March 25, 2011

Jumpin' on the Jackfruit Bandwagon

Maybe you didn't realize but there is a Jackfruit bandwagon, and I wanna ride that ride!  Basically if Vegan Dad attempts it I figure it's worth a go-ahead.  And yes, I do realize that in my first week of blogging I've mentioned this dude like 3 times, I can't help it, his food gets my cooking panties wet! (Don't email me when you read this Mom! The guy knows his shit! If I can't obsess over another foodie then life just isn't worth living.)

So, once again, huge score at the Asian Market!! That'll be another post, but Inner Richmond you rocked my socks off.  Once I get a couple paychecks under my belt I will be back, fo' sure!  I found the Jackfruit, which bestie #1 in Washington had mentioned before ( and of course I'd seen on Vegan Dad's blog), and I bought some barbecue sauce in the can.  That's right, I'm not embarrassed, I've proven my bbq skills, shoooot. The Jackfruit looks pale, and pink, and like some kind of dead meat that you've never eaten before cuz it was too gross even when you did put dead things in your mouth, and the barbecue sauce was not good.  Or maybe just way more Asian inspired that what I had in mind...Or gross.  Way too much of a soy/peanut flavor, no sweetness, and too much fivespice.  And the whole thing in general was too greasy and grainy.  So this next step just goes to show why I will never have a cookbook. To try and compensate for the obvious flaws in this bbq sauce, I added marinara (that's right, I added Italian to my Korean flavor-call it a fusion if  you will), and then I added this little to-go ramekin of this spicy sauce that the world's best falafel place gives you when you get takeout (perhaps this is the trifecta of world flavors? or perhaps not), and then I added a fair amount of sugar, and red pepper flakes.
Does it look super greasy? That's cuz it is.  On the plus side, this is not dinner tonight.  From reading VD and Chow Vegan's blog supposedly this is supposed to taste waaaaaay better after having a little downtime.  So I'm thinking, probably not this weekend cuz I work doubles like hella, but maybe on Monday, I make a little slaw, get some buns, and really do this right.  Also, I bet if this sits in the fridge for a couple days the oil will separate and I can possibly skim it off.  Yep, brainstormin' like a madman up in this kitchen.  So I'll let you know.

On a side note, I'm probably going to throw the seeds away, but I found several recipes online for roasting them.  Supposedly they're super tasty....

The Next Day...

So I know I said I wasn't going to eat these til after the weekend, but I took a little nibble after I shut down my computer, and it tasted fine.  In fact, all i tasted was bbq sauce, so I'm going to go ahead and call this recipe a success! I ended up putting it in tacos with some vegan cream cheese and a little daiya, super tasty.  My end result was waaaay more saucy than the other examples I've seen, so maybe I just drowned the natural flavor of the Jackfruit, but still, the texture was right on.

* I also remembered after the fact that I started out by sauteing  up some onions before I added all the other ingredients and somewhere in there I added 1/2 glass of wine or so.  Shiraz, from Australia.  Now it's a quadfecta!

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